Young Black Large - Small White Mature

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Phillycouple215 23 days ago
Wow, so nice to see a woman so hungry for cock get some deep pounding. He even managed to get through his problems a couple times. Amazing deep, big pussy! 
seethrougHknickers 1 month ago
she is a bbc slut just like me, I was BLACKED at age 32 and have had a lot of black cock fucking me in all my holes since then also my 20 year old daughter was BLACKED at age 18 she is more of a bbc slut than me and told me she would like to be black bred when she is older xx
abendteuer 3 months ago
wow einfach geil-wer will meine ehefrau auch so bumsen
headgardener1 3 months ago
yeah Elaine, Sad she retired but her and hubby did make a lot of cash, What you thought it was real?????
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samm79574 3 months ago
even when they dont know each other they must liked each other alot they werent even looking anywhere else except each other and kissing fcking each other like insane so beautifull this is nature paying back for slavery of century
Mstgeo 3 months ago
A sick life for a husband like this wife humiliates him severly wow what kind a man is a cuck 
frepusy 3 months ago
Come on and cum in all black guys. White couples are looking for as many as possible black men to get their big nude African penises in as white couples wish the wife could be knocked up as those nude black penises go off in that pussy shooting their maybe baby loads in all those white wife pussies. That is what is desired and we know that is the real story of why white couples welcome black penises in without rubbers to get in the way of very hot simulations of knocking the wives up (and here you hold your tongue in your cheek just right) as they eventually sure as you know you wanted them to as they do not fail to culminate the hot fucks by ejaculating in that pussy..
Mstgeo 5 months ago
The reality she has taken away any soirit of manhood husband bareky had she knows this and afraid he pretends he hasnt ant gut left she umis a whore some break up later facts souless cold marrige mistky mea ningless
Mstgeo 5 months ago
Both she and the husband oroclaim this unbelivabke higher love and abd some spiritual enlightenment.the eaxact proclamations all these si k weak marriges say.
Mstgeo 5 months ago
Hwr sissy dickless husbands keeos walking back and forth with his wirthkess white wufe complete acts of humiliation to him 