Video Transcription
When I've injected you, I don't want you messing with me anymore.
What's been going on with you for a month?
Are you sick of me?
With you, it's hard to get laid.
When I've injected you, I don't want you messing with me anymore.
What's been going on with you for a month?
Are you sick of me?
With you, it's hard to get laid.
Also Known As
Blue Obsession [stolen title, Italy]
Gaily [Videorama, West Germany]
Les besoins de la chair
Scene 2. Annie Kouinard, Serge Rolna
Scene 3. Dominique Saint Claire, Christoph Clark
Scene 4. Annie Kouinard, Christoph Clark
Scene 5. Dominique Saint Claire, Marie-Christine Chireix, Michelle Villers, Annie Kouinard, Christoph Clark, Jean-Pierre Armand, Serge Rolna
Scene 6. Dominique Saint Claire, Jacky Arnal
- Released: 1984
- Director: Pierre B. Reinhard, but given as Oliver Mato (Olivier Mathot)
- Notes: Cinévog, 75 mins.
Alternate Titles
- Blue Obsession title stolen for the Italian video release, 71 mins.
- Gaily Dir. given as Pierre B. Reinhard Videorama, Gold Medal
- Annie Kouinard as Wicky, plays Annie, the maid
- Dominique Saint Claire as Dominique Saint-Clair, plays Claudia Vermont, Marc's wife
- Marie-Christine Chireix uncredited, plays Agnès, the mother-in-law of the bride
- Michelle Villers as Sophie Villers, plays Laure, the bride
Males -
- Jacky Arnal, as Jacky, plays Marc Vermont
- Christophe Clark, as Christophe, plays Louis, the bride's brother
- Jean-Pierre Armand plays Pierre, the father-in-law of the bride
- Serge Rolna, uncredited, plays Jacques, the groom