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Corsarobianco72 1 year ago
tonyleblanc 2 years ago
A hard cock in your mouth makes you nice and wet?
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thaisoff 2 years ago
Victoria Sweet 
MissGermany1 2 years ago
What a turn on that is
sixincher 3 years ago
Lovely girl 
nuggets 3 years ago
yeah, that was a good one
tita_milf 5 years ago
I need that cock
roccop122 5 years ago
I’m sorry I don’t see her name just like I don’t see Turd above your name
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austinjames2813 5 years ago
Oh don't  do it on a monday, as in  you didnt work yesterday.  As well at some point  you will have to ask her out for coffee after work; best you take it slow. But if you have the patients of a flea,  as i suspect  will happen, because you are lingering and co-workers starting to murmur and point. You are going to go for it, and say  hey could i take you to lunch today  i know this quiet little spot,,  buzzzzzz, you lose.  The day after a weekend is, girls lunch day  so that they can talk about whether any one got 'any'  and how was the person etc.   And now buzzzzz She will be asking about you. So, be confident, not pushy, desperate, and creepy. Which also means dont go back to yiur cubical and google  her for the 10 millionth time.  Just ask  'would you like to get lunch together one day this week, ( then give a slight pause, while she thinks about you..)  then add   ' or next, you probably have stuff this week.'  Thats it , close your pie hole.  Now one of 2 things will happen, she will either say, i think next tuesday or wednesday, thursday.  Mondays and fridays  arent going to happen.  Now if she hesitates more than 3 seconds after you add the second part,  it's game time.  Because the next words out of her mouth will be......  
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austinjames2813 5 years ago
So, somewhere in history, some one said, choose something to and do it well, and suspecting it was a male of substantial influence, speaking to the masses. It may have been a case of wayward individuals that were in need of a few words of guidance.  So, " choose something to do; one thing to stick with, do it well, with all of your being, make it your own.  Stop quiting when it gets tough, maybe see if it can be done differently.  If everyone could paint, or draw, or or, there wouldn't be any artist.     I was told by a nun, "...dont sing, dont ever have a sound come out of your mouth, lip sync, or better yet learn an instrument, but my child (wanted to smack her for that) you can not and should not ever sing..."  i wonder if my or someone else life depended on singing   ughhh.  Cooking however, well i wont say i am the greatest chef in the world, but if you asked others; some would say him cook  if he had to do it to survive, they would probably then ask were the flowers are to be sent in month,  ughh.  Others would  wondering why i am working at that grease spoon.  I had my moments in spotlight  but was to busy doing other things. Wow did i just contradict the point of diatribe.   Pick one...and do it....    Well, no, its just what i did, invovled many skills, but if you could cook for a woman, rather than order it delivered, or take her to restaurant and have some pretentious waiter, be over-zealous about her needs, or have one that because out of a 10, she was pushing 12, on a normal scale.  On his scale of minor leagues, he is still thinking, he has a shot at anything over 5.  Dude, to you she's like 15. And when she goes to stand up when leaving, you end up with a full view up her mini-mini  skirt at that bald pussy, with the pierced hood and you will pass-out from your skipping  a few beats, and almost exploding out of your sunk in chest. Eventually they will push you eyeballs back in their sockets. Mind you taking home the attractive  waitress  was a bonus.   Do one thing and do it well,,  i did women!!!  No not sex... oh yah sex, but its not about that. If you want to have sex with any woman, then you better know women, and in particular the one you want.     Dont know how to approach that 10+ ; in your eyes.   Simple one,  she probably goes to the same coffee shop as you.  No, dont offer to pay for it  if you never mumble anything more than a ' mornin' ; marble mouth.  Learn her order, and when you show up with a few for you buddies, have her perfect coffee, it was some how a mistake, then walk by her cubical and ask if she'd like it, if she wonders how or why offer it to her.   '... i was  behind you yesterday, when you order something like this ..."  she hadn't noticed you before  but she will now.  