Video Transcription
To je živý hůň. - Já se hodním, já to pojedu násnout.
Ty vole, tak... tak když jsme začínali, vzpomeň se, jak jsme začínali.
Dědku, to už se ani nepamatuju. - Spokoj, nechci to slyšet.
Ty máš sklerozu? - Já mám sklerozu, ty máš sklerozu.
To je požehnaň. - To je šok, moje.
Beata Slavikova - Lilly - Lili
It all started like a nice visit to the boyfriend's parents. But the nice part did not last very long. He left, and his parents showed his girlfriend their family photo album. Mother claimed she was pretty hot back in the day, but father said their son's girl is way hotter. That bastard! They asked her to reveal her goodies so that they can really compare. Well, one thing led to another and there they were, fucking like rabbits, all three of them. Imagine the shock of the boyfriend when he came back!