Sounding with toy sound
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Sounding with the longest ss sound I have.
Video Transcription
Here's how it went down. On Friday, Donald Trump hired new White House chief of staff and grandpa who doesn't do hugs, General John Kelly.
No surprise that Trump picked a general, because according to one source, the kinds of people that Trump particularly likes are people with bucks, money, and braids in the military.
He likes people with bucks and braids. So if Kelly doesn't work out, congratulations to our next chief of staff, Spongebob Schumpet.
Of course, very strong. Very strong. Of what Kelly's replacing former chief of staff, Reince Priebus, shown here seeing it coming.
Kelly is the total opposite of Reince Priebus. Kelly's military, Priebus, Washington, and the site. Kelly's from Boston, Priebus is from Wisconsin.