Frankly I think the rich lowlife kosher scum has a hamster up his rectum! Trying to sue Kim Petersen who has more musical talent, in his left pinky finger than that maggot has in his whole nappy body! I would love to tell him where to stick those “jewels!” A turd. A scum bag and has been an ugly bastard his entire life. Word of advice ‘“demon’” get in to your newest Rolls Royce and drive it off off a cliff. Goddamn glutinous shit stain!! 🤘🏻🫵🏻🖕🏻🥓
Luca_Camminanelcielo 9 years ago
Simmons/Demon was (is) one of my youth heroes.... ^_^ I've started listening and loving KISS' music just from "Destroyer", with this sono " Gods Of Thunder"... the LP record was in my father discography... 

Jedermann 10 years ago
Hahahahahaha . . . die Kirmes Truppe am Start . . . ich lach mich schlapp, watt du so allet hochlädst . . . mußte mich doch glatt anmelden . . .