xHamster Maps Times Square, 1977

Welcome to the xHamster Guide The Legendary Porn Theaters of 1977 Times Square!

At xHamster, we’re proud of our porn heritage, and in honor of the premiere of the second season of HBO's The Deuce, we’ve mapped out a virtual Times Square, showing porn landmarks like Show World, The Adonis, and the New Mature (yes, in the olden days, you actually had to go into theater to see Nympho MILFS 23, and risk getting raided at that!).

We can’t offer you popcorn or a blowjob, but we can let you imagine.

(you can open the map in new tab)

Published by xHamster
6 years ago
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Huehueteotl 1 year ago
It's down,there is no way it can be uploaded again? 
not covid
jtcidreno 6 years ago
remember those time
Old New York City before 1988 was the sleaziest place in the world. There were adult theaters, strip clubs and whores running rampant on the streets alongside zoned out half naked druggies everywhere. It was total insanity until Koch cleaned it up. I once got a very public Blowjob in Washington Square at the fountain in front of everyone, and there were several others all doing the same thing, and people walking by not noticing a thing just going about their day. 
cmews1206 6 years ago
I love this post!  Thank you!  I was too young to go to any of the theaters, but I remember them!
cumwithme74 6 years ago
that big sex shop by 34th street/penn station closed down a couple years ago. they had great and exotic stuff!  
Dark_Witch 6 years ago
That's crazy... I can't imagine living in a time like that. I mean I don't even go to into sex stores. I order my toys online. I'm afraid I will see someone I know. 
good hamster