The Wild World of xHamster (NSFW)

We’re a little crazy from the heat this summer — and maybe the sudden rise of Bigfoot porn. Last week, we at the office started joking about the oddest clips we’d ever seen on xHamster. They ranged from a gymnast who hangs himself by the balls to nipple fucking. An email chain quickly went round the office, with everyone jumping in with their favorites.

We thought — sexuality is too wonderful not to share! Below, some of the most exceptional clips from xHamster. We call it our “Summer Hummer List,” and we’re excited to start with you this annual tradition.

1. The One with the Exceptionally Long Tongue

2. The One With Giant Fake Breast Costumes

3. The One With The Three Breasted Woman

4. The One with the Giantess and the Tiny CGI Man

5. The One Where She’s Buried to Her Neck in Sand

And these, which are maybe for our more advanced viewers …

6. The One Where the Sexy ASMR Hairdresser Takes Control

7. The One with the Michelle Obama Cum Tribute

8. The One Where She Makes An Omelet in her Vagina

9. The One Where She Births Lemons

10. The One Where He Hangs Himself By the Balls

Bonus: The One With Gay Bigfoot

Of course, many of these have hundreds of thousands of views, and no shortage of likes and comments. Many of them are representative of an entire genre or fetish.

Now, we’re a company that specializes in progressive, diverse representations of sexuality. We see this wild diversity of fantasy as one of the great testaments to the ingenuity of nature — right up there with the Rosetta Stone and the Voyage of the Beagle. So, if your fantasy is one of the above: thank you! Your creative, unique and bold sexual choices may just save this race from extinction one day. Bless!

What’s the most exceptional thing you’ve seen on xHamster? Let us know in the comments.

Alex Hawkins
Vice President,
[email protected]
Published by xHamster
6 years ago
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I do not work
weblandy 6 years ago
Nice gifs :smile:
blanc76 6 years ago
Bexhillboy 6 years ago
when will somebody actually come out and tell us what is happening with the old xhamster, if they decide to close it down we need to look elsewhere because the new version was badly launched and badly designed . Most hate it so we need to know if we should be looking elsewhere
Hofon 6 years ago
The new version of Xhamster, but surely not the best