Design Improvements Made After Your Feedback

With your help, we are improving xHamster day by day.

The xHamster team would like to thank you for the incredible time, feedback, and support regarding changes to the site. We have been overwhelmed with your dedication to preserving and improving the xHamster community, and have taken into account many of your suggested changes.

Here are the improvements we have made based on your recent feedback:
Users told us that the old layout was too broad and the thumbnails were too large, so we have now opted for 16*9 format, using less space for different sizes. The layout is now more compact and closer to the old xHamster version. We have begun making the changes to the video section first, with more sections soon to follow.

My News & Notification

We added a link to My News in the user menu under the profile pic (upper right). Both sections are currently being updated so that you can see your updates per comments and other friends’ activities.
Profile pics
Square profile pictures are back! The same square format will soon be readjusted in other sections of the website.
You can now view your PMs in a separate chat window by clicking ‘Open in New Window’ in the list of your contacts.
Slideshow in Photos
We’ve improved the full-screen view in the Slideshow format.
Comments Section and Visibility
We added a new arrow that allows you to scroll through the comments and return to the content view.
We’ve returned the number of blogposts in your profile to 8.

This is just the beginning. As we get more feedback, we will be updating or preserving features based on your suggestions.

The most effective way to reach us is by submitting feedback to xHamster User Voice. While we do sometimes see comments elsewhere, feedback regarding the design of the site has to come in through User Voice for it to be implemented by our design team. xHamster User Voice also allows us to see what features and comments are echoed by community votes.

With your help we will be able to expand and preserve xHamster’s most wanted features and build them accordingly.

Video content & all related sections

Photos & Galleries


Stories & Blogposts

My Profile

PMs & Comments

Favorites: Video collections, Photos, Stories, Users

xHamster Mobile

Please post your ideas there, and vote for them and others.

Thank you!

The xHamster Team
Published by xHamster
6 years ago
Please or to post comments
Rochblue 10 days ago
to _SugarStick_ : So true!
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_SugarStick_ 3 years ago
You no longer get choice at xhamster. Like the rise in authoritarianism in all walks of life: every issue is deemed too important for "choice".  We could protest or boycott here, but it's not necessary...xham is boycotting its members by taking away all content.
welshwankers777 6 years ago
Can't believe this debate is still happening, new xhamster is a piece of shit and the old is great.. No maths just common sense but xhamster intends on raping us of our choice.. When new xhamster kicks in all my content is getting deleted
deezer6 6 years ago
If you want an improvement, make it possible to log in with the xhamster name and pw to your xHamster User Voice! Instead I have to log in with an extra account. Crazy!!!
GMIrandy 6 years ago
I've come to enjoy the new format. Every site makes changes in their format, it's inevitable. Some things are lost, some things are gained. Adding photos to a PM is an excellent change I use quite a bit. The old XH is gone.   
deezer6 6 years ago
You literally killed the blog section, at least my blog, with your "superior" new version. :frowning:

- You removed the search engine for posts (not stories) => please bring it back.
- You gave us a WYSIWYG-editor => please give us back the text editor.
- You disabled the possibility to embed an image from an imagehost => please bring this back
- If I want to edit some of my posts, I see only the first few lines, nothing else. Fortunately I can edit it in the old version. But what's when you kill the old version? See here:
- You changed the url's of the video thumbnails. All old thumbnails in my posts are dead now. Thanks for that.
- It's not even possible to link a thumb of a xhamstervid. I have to download it and then to upload it.....
Something like this:

Thanks a lot!

swiss_g 6 years ago
Old version is still 100% better and easier to use, no matter if you keep forcing us to the new one: new version is not user friendly at all, not well conceived and anonymously standardized.
So I keep being the 1% loving the old one.
This afternoon I am stuck in the New Xhamster because the link to revert doesn’t work. Neither does the link to return to the top of the page. So while checking out My News I have to scroll through every single photo, comment, video, and garbage that shows up on the page instead of seeing just a notice that someone has posted with a thumbnail to represent that post. With the Old Version I could hit the thumbnail to view their work or ignore it. Not on the new improved version. And all thumbnails are tiny round buttons now. Please stop trying to force us to use this new nonsense!
coffeeninja 6 years ago
Since today, all the video tags are gone on the mobile version! There's only two categories left amateur and mature. If you choose sth from the tag cloud it only says 'page not found'........
gaybunny972 6 years ago
to gaybunny972 : Since yesterday even the men category in the video section is gone. Hello Xhamster!! What the hell are you doing????
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almseppl 6 years ago
The new design is still bullshit. The login doesn't work properly. Everytime I have to state that I'm not a robot. The video player doesn't work. Bring back the old xhamster
gaybunny972 6 years ago
The new Xhamster is rubbish!!!! And please bring the men and shemale category's back in the photo section!!!!
Sexy_Lokky 6 years ago
to Fusie : 100% agree !
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bpaak_waan 6 years ago
Stop trying to create a connection to ""...
benbrand 6 years ago
My XHamster profile is in a different language for a long time, This make the Site almost ineffectual for me. Why is that and how do I chance it back to English
Fusie 6 years ago
new xHamster is still bloated, overloaded and slow. by the time the new version has loaded one gallery finally completly, i've been through 5 galleries of similar or bigger size in the old xHamster.
let's face it, even in it's broken state the old xHamster is still the better xHamster, so please stop wasting your and our time with this new xHamster and get the old xHamster working properly again!

and give us allready the option to set the site version in our profile, so that we don't have to switch back to the old xHamster over and over again.
btw. why has the upload rate of new content over several categories slowed down a lot since you removed the option for uploads from the old xHamster, when the new xHamster is sooo much improved?

looks like that 1% still using the old xHamster you mentioned before are the ones keeping the site alive...
bbwvieplumpweston 6 years ago
STOP HARASSING ME. shut the fuck up now. ENOUGH. SILENCE.
nusarera 6 years ago
Take, for instance, the user gottbow347 (if still alive) : Signed up: 1 hour ago
Last Activity: 25 minutes ago Profile Viewed: 31 times
Rank: Porn Expert Comments: 204
In one our 204 comments?
nusarera 6 years ago
I appreciate your efforts and understand that it's not an easy task but if you check the registration time, the link that point out of xham and -probably- a loto of comment with the same link, that may help to apply some measure to make the job tiring and time consuming
bbwvieplumpweston 6 years ago
learn to read English then. blocked.
bbwvieplumpweston 6 years ago
I';m sorry you're clearly not intelligent enough to understand perfectly clear English (you are foreign by your flag) so please just don't attempt to speak to Uk folks then if you cannot converse clearly. dont send garbled rubbish to my inbox, or retort to my perfectly viable comment that not all what you call spammers are'nt actually here for friendship and convo? some models DO ACTUALLY use the site to socialize! -but note, . this is not a friend list this is a public forum re the new XHAM layout, not a request for your input on my views.. if you use google translate for others/and this forum then please honour me with the same. thank you. blocked.
nusarera 6 years ago
I understand that the task is difficult but when someone, just registered, adds a link in the text and a the link points out of xHam, that may help you to point out spammers or users that do not contribute to the community
hotwifeloverxxx 6 years ago
While the functional improvements are most welcome, I find the new design itself very underwhelming. I've been a graphic designer for over 40 years and have taught design in respected programs. The grid isn't doing its job of visually separating elements. One sees it less because the parameters of the white space get lost due to the extended letterspacing of your typography. The old site had tighter letterspacing, which gave the type significant weight and a more defined edge to counter margins and other dividers.

The new CSS has widened the letterspacing, making content more difficult to read. Good typography is a simple CSS file away. There are people who handle it masterfully. Fixing that alone would improve the new design exponentially.
nusarera 6 years ago
I rfefer mainly to user that are register from, say, 2 hours, and with comment offer a link to their products: their aim is only to sell, not to contribute to the site. They should be blocked
dale0625 6 years ago
My xhamster has stopped playing vids after the new updates n changes u have made any idea how to get them playing again
mzdomm 6 years ago
hamster,s problem with spammers is out of control, i delete, block and remove 30-40 spammers PER DAY
obviously it is one or two parasites who keep posting fake accounts, does hamster,s team of " experts" know how to BLOCK ip addys??? yes i use the OLD version and OBVIOUSLY all of the "old" settings have been discontinued as I set my profile 2 " friends only" and still i,m getting all this spam garbage everyday
Starfishlicker 6 years ago
Well Hamster, out of all these comments, I've seen only one person who has said they like the new look. And I'll be perfectly honest, the person who liked it looked like a Hamster staff members account.
Maddogger 6 years ago
Why change something that works. Go back to the old version.
All the other porn sites must be rubbing their hands with glee at the way XH are managing to fuck themselves up.